America’s Favorite Guacamole Contest / Superbowl Party
…is going VIRTUAL!
February 7, 2021
3 p.m.
Your house!
Check your email for instructions. I’ll send a link to a shared Google Photos site, where you can upload your guac pictures and view everyone else’s. Then I’ll send a link to the Ballot Box for you to vote! Stay safe, everyone.
What is Guac Bowl?
Guac Bowl is America’s Favorite Guacamole Contest/Super Bowl party.
We’ve been mentioned in the finest media outlets… We’ve expanded to the East Coast… We’ve got merchandise… And it all takes place at our humble little home.
The rules are simple: bring a guac, try everyone else’s guac, then vote. There are four categories:
Best Traditional Guac (no weird ingredients),
Best Alternative Guac (includes some special ingredient, or prepared unusually),
Best Presentation (see photos… no really, you should check them out),
The Icarus Award (for the guac that attempts to fly the highest, only to fall the furthest).
Guac tasting begins a couple hours before the SuperBowl, and continues into the first half of the game. Trophies are awarded at halftime, so get here early to enter, taste, vote, and digest.
May the best guac win.