“Solo” Exhibition

Rob wrote up a great summary of how he created “He’s No Guac To Me Dead,” the Han Solo in carbonite entry. You can read it on his blog here.
Rob wrote up a great summary of how he created “He’s No Guac To Me Dead,” the Han Solo in carbonite entry. You can read it on his blog here.
Josh wrote a nice recap of his Connecticut-based Guac Bowl for us, below. You can see photos from Guac Bowl East ’09 here. This year’s third (and hopefully not last) Guac Bowl East was a surprisingly resounding success. We lost virtually every repeat player to graduation over the summer and still managed an even bigger […]
There was a nice follow-up article in the LA Times yesterday. I initially only saw the photo gallery they put up, but this piece goes into a little more detail. Of course, the reporter, Elina, tried to stir up some controversy about “He’s No Guac To Me Dead” losing to “Ms. Guac-Man,” so I sent […]
What a Guac Bowl! It was easily our most crowded year. I’m either going to have to get a bigger house, or fewer awesome friends. First, what you’ve all been waiting for: the pictures. (As a few people noticed, I was scooped by the LA Times, which also put pictures on their website, as a […]
Holy guaca-bowly! We were featured in the Los Angeles Times! It’s a great in-depth article, with actual reporting and quotes and everything. What a great way to celebrate Guac Bowl Eve. I’m sure everyone’s putting last minute touches on their guacs right now, before heading off to bed. Get some rest — you have a […]
In response to yesterday’s LA Times article which talked up a pseudo-rivalry between Guac Bowl West and East, we have mutually decided to bring both parties together… via video conferencing! That’s right, you’ll be able to see both parties, via Skype, from our respective dining rooms. That’ll put an end to all the “which party […]
What an amazing day. So much creativity… so much guac. I’m blown away. But also really tired. I’ll post a full recap tomorrow when I get home from work, along with all the amazing photos. To hold you over, here’s a picture of “He’s No Guac To Me Dead,” Rob Saccenti’s incredible Han Solo-frozen-in-carbonite-inspired entry…