An event 224.5 avocados in the making…
- The “ocean” was made with five boxes of blue Jello, and the sand made with 48 avocados.
- Winner of The Icarus Award, probably because it got leaves, ash, dirt and cat paws in it.
- Angela putting the finishing touches on Count Guacula.
- Notice the airplanes hovering above Guacweiler, just like at Dockweiler Beach (next to LAX.)
- Guacweiler Beach, the largest Guac Bowl entry ever. With real fire pit.
- Carol and Bobby arriving with their boozy entry. Nice mustache, Carol!
- When you press the button, Count Guacula’s coffin opens and he emerges.
- His eyes glow red (not pictured)!
- Notice the smack-talk on the tombstones, dissing guacs of years past.
- Guac-ing the Picket Line, in front of “Delicious Studios.”
- The picketers were made out of the ingredients for guac, refusing to mix.
- Notice the fine letter work on the tee-shirts and signs.
- Guac for the Cure. Later in the night, people started putting coins in the bowls. This entry earned 36 cents.
- The Stay Puft Marshmole Man, with cinnamon pita chips.
- What kind of glue do you use to attach felt to marshmallow? Only Christine knows.
- Guac Obama, the first of our three Obama guacs. I guess that’s what’s on people’s minds these days…
- With real buttons to wear, and a nicely photoshopped book cover.
- The Guac of Fame, Shahan’s attempt to “cement a win” for his multiple-trophy guac.
- Unfortunately, it got stomped this year.
- Guac-di-os Mother Fucker, a twist on the infamous Adios Mother Fucker shots.
- Wow, that’s quite a recipe! Guess which participant owns his own bar?
- Ian and Maggie kept running home (a block away) to make more, because people kept eating them!
- Fried Guacamole Raviolé, winner, Best Alternative Guac.
- These babies came with an ingredient list, for any doubters who thought there might not be guac in ‘em.
- Guackies, one of our two guacamole cookie entries this year. Beautiful!
- Notice the mic, guitar and drums the Beets are playing!
- Guac’em, Sock’em Robots, winner, Best Tasting Traditional Guac.
- Not just super tasty, but a great presentation too. The backdrop was mult-layer!
- Notice the fine photoshop and pun work…
- Guac Rockin’ Beets, a pun I wasn’t hip enough to get until I googled it this morning.
- 1 O’Clock Guac, made at 1 o’clock, was super tasty but lost by a single vote.
- Mardi Guac! Free beads if you show us your avocados!
- Strawcamole, a fruity concoction with a moon landing theme.
- The new perpetual trophies, which are engraved with all past winners, and are passed down each year.
- Guactinis, with two kinds of vodka in ‘em. The best reason I’ve seen to become an alcoholic.
- A skank sliding down the slide into a pool of guac. You don’t see that at most Superbowl parties.
- A skank sliding down the slide into a pool of guac. You don’t see that at most Superbowl parties.
- Dick in a Guac! One, cut a whole in a box/ Two, put your junk in that box/ Three, make her open the box…
- With a picture of Dick Van Dyke in the box, for good measure.
- Five O’Guac Shadow, with guacamole on Brandon’s face.
- Did anyone taste this one? Anyone?
- Monkey on Your Guac, a banana-infused guac with plantain chips.
- BaGuack Obama, our second Obama entry. Next time you see him, look — his ears really do look like avocados.
- A side shot, revealing the chips that the studio holds behind their gate.
- GuacAlien, winner, Best Presentation of Guac.
- With an avocado pod, and a baby alien (made of calamari) popping out.
- Overhead view of the Alien, with his many calamari pods.
- Guactose Intolerant, for those allergic to avocado. Made with bean dip and sour cream, mostly.
- I tried visiting It’s not real.
- He was made entirely of veggies — eggplant head, zucchini arms, string beans and radishes…
- Guac’R, Texas Ranger. A strong pun for a strong television action hero!
- Chuck Norris Fact: this was funny.
- Avo-Mikado, perhaps our most elegantly detailed guac ever.
- Waxed avocado skin hair, peeled avocado pit face, onion skin kimono, etc. etc. Truly a work of art.
- Guacocomo, a guac with coconut in it, eaten with toasted mini bread things.
- Harry Nilsson would be proud.
- The “Eat Me” message written in coconut was a nice touch, overlooked because of poor table placement.
- Guactor Sagelove. The sage-infused guac poured out of the bomb and into our hearts.
- Two puns in one! Classic Seccia.
- BaGuack DoughBama, our third Obama themed entry!
- The White House was recreated using white bread and other various carbs. The grass was guac.
- The Barloewen family, all clad in shirts from the Guac Bowl Store. Adorable!
- As the day wore on, BaGuack got darker and darker… and a few slightly off-color jokes were made.
- Our second guac cookie entry, Sugar Guackies.
- A nice container, sure, but you should of tasted ‘em.
- The sign.
- Guacãta, a pinãta that was actually filled with guac. Sadly, we weren’t drunk enough to crack it open.
- GuacAlien, chillin’ outside with a beer after his hard-fought win. Congrats, Alien!