A new house, a sexy robot, and a literal Icarus Award.
- Ava the Sexy Robot longingly stares at the trophies, hoping she’ll pass the Guacamole Turing test.
- Me and my creation, before she destroys me, and humanity. (Spoiler!)
- The guac was located inside her midsection. You had to navigate the wires to get to it.
- “Ex Guacina,” Winner of Best Presentation, 2017.
- Maurissa with her “Guinkies,” Hostess Twinkies made of cornbread, filled with guac!
- Look at that amazing artwork, and packaging!
- Angela’s “Guacy Cotton Candy,” made with real avocado, lime and jalapeño extracts. And tortilla cone!
- Each one was a labor of love. She’s smiling through her frustration. But notice the custom apron!
- Zimmer and Teira making their “Gyozamole,” Winner of Best Alternative, 2017!
- Zimmer loves making Guac-Asian cuisine, and keeps winning for it! That smirk says “try to stop me.”
- Each guac-stuffed gyoza came with a little dipping sauce.
- Maggie and Ian’s “Tuscan Guac,” made with white beans, basil and cucumber, served bruschetta style.
- Justin and Liz’s winning “Traditional Guac”… and “Pele’s Gift,” an alternative pineapple guac they made.
- Justin and Liz with their Best Traditional 2017 winner! First timers!
- Alex with his Quesoanne Conway dip, before it exploded. He was so innocent then.
- Hilarious idea, even before the gods made it funnier by ruining it.
- And here’s the mess Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway have made of our world.
- “Out of Mo-league,” Brandon’s big swing for traditional, after being the Jordan of Presentation.
- “Avocado-Kedavra,” Josh and Allison’s Harry Potter spell themed entry.
- Notice the tombstones of fallen Potter characters. That’s what I call a Death Eater.
- Josh and Allison with their creation. And a Trump-shaped growth coming from Alison’s head?
- “Guactor Strange,” Julie Lofrano’s annual pop-culture inspired creation.
- “Squawk Bowl,” our second of three Trump guacs. This one with a mysterious riddle.
- And our third Orange One entry, “Trumped-Up Guac-onomics” by Jordan and Amanda.
- DeconGuac’d, my mom’s deconstructed take on guacamole.
- Jim’s “Choco-Mole Stout,” brewed with mole spices and avocado. Our third guac beer over the years, and the best.
- Jim infused a batch with cilantro and lime, but ditched it before bottling because “it smelled weird.” Good call.
- “Braucnies,” Robin’s second attempt at guac-brownies, after three attempts at “Guacolate.” Consistent!
- Young Samantha made her own entry for the first time this year, “The Guackers Against the Chippers.”
- Samantha with her football themed entry. The players were fried cut out tort
- “Spicy Guacballs,” Nick’s first entry. Look at them glisten. No one can resist his Schweddy Balls.
- Nick pointing to his balls. His balls are here for your pleasure.
- Jaikar’s “A Guactacular Galaxy,” to scale (*not to scale). With the sun-pit in the middle, of course.
- Really makes you feel insignificant in the big scheme of things, huh?
- “Guac Stuffed Garlic Knots,” by Curtis and Desi. Exactly what they sound like: delish
- Sean’s “Guac-O’s,” onion rings made with with avocado. With a chipotle dip, of course!
- Sean saucily poses with his onion rings.
- “Inguaxicated,” Edie and David’s attempt to get us all drunk… on guac!
- David and Edie pose with their alcoholic creation.
- “Holy Guacamole,” in a mug with Jesus holding scissors, obvs.
- Caroline with her holy creation.
- Previous champions Mark and Diana’s traditional guac, with a name to match.
- Mark, Diana and Phoebe. Look at that adorable thing, taking credit for her parent’s hard work
- Jen’s “Bowling Guac Massacre” which, as the card says, doesn’t make sense. Quesoanne strikes again!!
- Dave and Melanie’s “GuacingJay,” a Hunger Games guac for hungry gamers.
- I’m surprised it wasn’t served with… Peeta bread.
- Albert & Anil’s late comer entry, “Quarter Flower Spicy Guac Toast Down.” Literally a mouthful.
- Brandi’s entry, “Tomatillo Brady,” which after that game is now the undisputed greatest of all time, right?
- Guac Bowl isn’t complete til Steve shows up with a super-late entry! Classic Steve, delicious and unappreciated.
- Hazy view, happy friends.
- Waynee making Maya super jealous.
- Jim is so excited to try this.
- Game watchers inside.
- Game watchers outside. Or maybe that’s Gaga’s halftime show?
- Trophy presentation time! Justin and Liz take Traditional
- Zimmer and Teira defend their crown!
- Alex and Whitney humbly accept the Icarus Award, while baby Hudson protests.
- Sharing the win with my lover. And look, you can finally see her wires glow at night!
- The traditional drinking of champagne in the Winner’s Lounge (now in Angela’s Secret Garden.)
- Tastes like victory, with a hint of silver polish.
- Winners. Red-eyed from the excitement.