Three veteran winners, and one new loser. And everything in-between!
- “Ghost,” by Jordan Boeder. So so so spicy, just like that scene with the pottery wheel.
- Jordan taking joy in the fact that he’s about to burn everyone’s mouth up with ghost pepper.
- “Guacket Jets,” my classic Disneyland tribute, second place in Best Presentation.
- It had a motor that made the jets fly round and round, making it a challenge to dip your chip.
- Thumbs up to rotating entries!
- Angela Pava’s “Guac-kimchi-mole,” tied for second in Icarus. With three banchan chips!
- How can you hate a guac when it comes with a smile like that?! (When it’s filled with kimchi, that’s when.)
- Krupa Desai’s “Guammus,” an unholy concoction of guac and hummus. Which tasted exactly as it sounds.
- Krupa and her hummus. It’s a pita she didn’t get more votes.
- “Sockamole,” Andy Bean’s Icarus Award “winner.” With pieces of sock to use as chips. Yum!
- Andy feeding his daughter Uma a sock-chip. Uma refusing to play along. Smart kid.
- Maggie and Ian’s “Guacamole Jam,” winner of Best Alternative Guac.
- Along with the guac jam, there were cornbread muffins and honey butter to help it go down.
- Maggie and Ian “guacing” out to their “jam.”
- “My Guac With The Lord,” by Chris Carter. Inspiring. Spiritual. Delicious.
- Chris looking super religious with his entry.
- The Desowitz’s guac brownies, with a confusing name. But they were good!
- Dave Miller’s ode to hating and being allergic to guacamole.
- Dave showing how guac makes him feel.
- Brandon Oropallo’s “Funnel Guac,” winner of Best Presentation.
- Brandon poses with his circus/state fair-inspired entry.
- Steve prepping his rolls.
- Jim Sutherland’s second entry, a traditional with no pun, intended or achieved.
- Alie Lee’s “Alie Is Awesome Guac,” Winner of Best Traditional. No sign, no pun. Just winning guac.
- Jim, so happy, so naive, before knowing he was about to take second place in the Icarus Award.
- Jim Sutherland’s “CoffeeMole,” made with Trystero cold brew. Two great tastes, finally together.
- Alie Lee’s second entry, an alternative with oranges. It was really good! But not crazy(eyes) enough to win.
- A non-guac non-entry from the delightful Brenda Vaccaro. She’s a legend, people!
- Michael Zimmer’s “Savory Guacamole Shortcake.” A terrible Saturday morning cartoon.
- “Hector Sala-Mango” by Blake Lemons & Vy Trinh. Made with salmon and mango. Obvs.
- Matt & Maurissa O’Connell’s “I Am Guac,” third place in Best Presentation.
- Sean Cole’s “Art’ in Spin’ Guac” which had ARTichoke and SPINach” — clever and cool looking!
- “Star Guac” Matt with his baby Groot creation.
- A Steven Guacing entry by Julie Lofrano. So many sciencey details…
- …From the Photoshopped books with guacternative names…
- …to the mini Steven Guacing in a wheelchair, next to a science experiment.
- Julie Halton’s “Hans ‘Mole’ Man,” a play on old man character on The Simpsons. He always dies, as does guac.
- Steve Tavernia’s “Guac N Roll” with bacon and gorgonzola. They did rock.
- “Guac. It. Out.” Teira Gunlock’s Full House inspired traditional, tying 2nd place with Julie’s.
- Kwala Mandel’s second try on “Guactails,” this time with more guac! As long as there’s booze, I’m happy.
- Greg with his hot date.
- Shawn and Farrah Gauthier’s “Guac Wonderful,” a pom-tastic second place in Best Alternative Guac.
- The party, partying.
- This is what we do it all for. Trophies. Fame. A waterfront view. All thanks to Guac.
- Alie taking the Traditional prize.
- Maggie and Ian accepting their Alternative trophy. Look at the pride! Look at that shirt!
- Me awkwardly accepting Andy Bean’s award on his behalf, since he had to leave…
- Brandon hoisting the Presentation trophy, which I just got back from him for the party.
- But in the Winner’s Lounge champagne toast, we Facetimed with him. It was probably very loud for him.
- Drinkin’ from trophies.
- Tastes like success. And silver polish.
- The timid sip of victory.
- This year’s winners!!
- “Bracamole” by Greg Little. I’ve seen guac with melons before, but not like this.
- The Winner’s Lounge, for winners only. With an unbreakable velvet rope to keep out the riffraff.
- Guac Bowl after dark.