Jeez, it seems you just can’t tell your well-connected friends in the media about Guac Bowl without them writing glowing articles about it. Today we have two stories mentioning our party:
First, this great article on the NBC-Los Angeles website, by Tim’s friend Alysia. I love her description of how the event has grown: “every Super Bowl Sunday, the entries get more and more huge/silly/strange/sinister/extraordinary/sad.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Second, continuing the grand tradition of Christine writing about all my parties on the Evite blog, we have this new Guac Bowl entry to go along with last year’s.
…And finally, I don’t want to jinx it, but have a feeling there might be one more Guac Bowl article coming up this year. I shouldn’t name drop, but let’s just say it’s a major newspaper that people in Los Angeles read when they have the Times to do so. Stay tuned!