I’ve decided to do something a bit different: invest in the Guac Bowl future. You see, every year around this time, I struggle over what kind of trophies to buy for the winners. As you can see from the photo montage on the home page, we’ve had tall “victory” trophies, cute “loving cup” trophies, plaques with pictures of the guac on it… all sorts of things. But no consistency.
Finally, I present to you: The Official Guac Bowl Perpetual Trophies! Like the Stanley Cup or Orange Bowl trophy, the winner gets their name engraved on a plaque that is added to the trophy’s base, and he or she gets to keep the trophy for the year. Bring it to work! Show it off at family gatherings! Have a big party where you let all your neighbors kiss it! Whatever you want. Then, at the end of the year, you bring it back to Guac Bowl and present it to the new winner.
There’s enough room for 24 plaques, so these babies should last for a while. (I’ve added all the previous winners to them also… well, as far back as I can remember. Let’s call it “the Guac Bowl Modern Era.”)
Oh, and these little hunnies are classy. Twelve inch silver bowls with the Guac Bowl logo engraved on them. Maple bases. And for the Icarus Award, a little surprise that you’ll have to wait to see.
(Obviously, the picture here is a Photoshop mock-up. The real things are still being lovingly hand-crafted by the nice folks at Thomas Denton & Co., who helped me create the look. I highly recommend their services.)