The Second Annual East Coast Guac Bowl, in held in Connecticut by Josh and Alie Lee.
- Guacatoa, with what looks like salsa in the core of the guacano.
- The second volcano entry: Joe Versus The Guacano. Where are the Waponi??
- The Guacano, arriving!
- They might as well face it, they’re addicted to lava.
- Posing with their creation.
- BaGuack Obama. Winner, Best Tasting Traditional Guac, by Beth Skelton.
- Close up of BaGuac.
- Mini Toasts with Bacon, Guac and Cheese. Winner, Best Creative, by Michelle Magorno.
- Guacabowlies with mango guac and bacon guac. Winner, The Icarus Award, by Marcus Rathey.
- Interesting that in 8 years of Guac Bowl, nobody did this… and this year, we have two of them (one on each coast).
- Mardi Guac! Winner, Best Presentation, by Josh and Alie Lee & Marissa Hecker.
- Guac Car Racing!
- Driving the Guac Cars up to the starting gate…
- The other side of the volcano.
- Recent Guac Bowl West deserter to Guac Bowl East, Marissa, making mini-weiners.
- Holy Guacamole (see, it’s a rabbi and a priest…)
- Three guacanos, one party. Or as I call it, a “Bizarre Lava Triangle.” Zing!
- The first of three volcano entries!
- A second East Coast BaGuac Obama entry (totaling five on both coasts… craaazy.)
- A hilarious speech: “This is the guac of hope… A dip that sees not blue chips and red chips, but only corn chips…”
- Wide shot of the action.
- Not (just) a picture of a random chest — this shows the buttons, which entries on both coasts incorporated.
- Josh announcing the winners while Howie and Jimmy discuss halftime behind him.
- Beth accepting her award for Best Traditional Guac.
- The handshake.
- Michelle accepting her award for Best Creative (the East Coast version of Best Alternative.)
- Speech! Speech!
- Josh accepting for Best Presentation, on behalf of Alie and Marissa.
- Marcus accepting his Icarus Award, which rumor has it, he was not happy about.
- Marcus explaining how his guac got the second most votes for Best Creative. Next year, Marcus. Next year…